It is not easy to get in touch with me right now, but I am sure that you will find a way.
I would also like to mention that I am still responding to your messages (emails, phone calls, etc.). Those that I receive, at least. Try again, persist.

As you can imagine, I have several phone numbers and email addresses.
Please note that the following are no longer active:
- my Swiss phone numbers (inactive since late 2014)
- my Canadian phone numbers (inactive since mid 2013)
- my Swiss email address (
- my Gmail address
I do not have a profile on Facebook.
The domain and its corresponding emails no longer exist. It is now a chapter on

It has been brought to my attention that some people have received very negative messages from me - or rather, from someone pretending to be me, as I did not write nor send them. This is a deliberate action against me, to cause conflict and drive people away. If you know me and you have received such a message, you should be able to sense if something doesn't sound quite right.

The only way to resolve any doubts is to speak with me directly!

Caroline Olsen