Epilogue, in English
Tomorrow is the final title of my literary adventure.
Book Project
Place des Grands Hommes
Epilogue, en français
Opening Night
Time always tells the truth…
Le Mauvais Homme
The man in the wrong
An Hour with Jacques Attali
J’aurais adoré pouvoir compter sur vous pour lui montrer le droit chemin…
C’est cela l’amitié… Non ?
Today I will serve you a glass of whisky instead of a cup of coffee. I’d like to share a conversation with you.
From A Biography To An Essay
Léo Apotheker | My Life
A biography is primarily based on fact, which leaves little room for interpretation.
The Contributors
I have met with… Leo Apotheker ’s fake friends, true enemies, pretty women… A couple of spies…
Sous les toits de Paris
Sous les toits de Paris, en compagnie de Léo Apotheker.
Fake Leo Apotheker
Fake Leo Apotheker…
Fake goals, fake friends, fake family, fake life…
Just about fake everything.
But true dreams. Dreams cannot be fake.
Just… Biographer
To all of those who doubt – thanks for stopping by, the door is right behind you.