“You cannot withstand the storm.”
I am the Storm.
Deep State
The Time is Now
Get ready for the world to change forever.
The Storm Is Upon Us
The tide is turning all around the world.
To the members of the Swiss Federal Government…
EYES never lie…
Busy times here,
Big things ahead.
Teradata SAP Lawsuit – Just the Beginning
The Teradata lawsuit will not be the SAP lawsuit.
A Swiss Refugee
For those of you who got lost along the way or who have doubts, the first page of my asylum request in Iceland, below; a chapter that has been ongoing since January 2015.
Criminal Minds… On devient mafieux qu’une fois dans une vie et on n’en sort jamais ?
Avec la dose homéopathique de courage que tu as en toi, c’est probable.
I was Léo Apotheker’s conscience. The conscience who tried to guide him in the right direction. I failed.
Your level of courage is light years away from that of John F. Kennedy.
Vous avez le droit de lui reprocher le manque de courage. Et le reste ? Un seul homme ne peut pas détruite des vies, l’humanité, le monde.
“I think she can fix it.”
Time for “Losers Dream”
They definitely do not understand that lies are no longer an option.
La France est totalement hors la loi, Madame la Ministre de la Justice.
Exceptionnel ??
Ne me demandez plus où sont passés les médias suisses. Ils sont en copie. Vous avez le droit de demander qui leur a imposé le silence.
A State Affair
Non, je ne suis ni à Berne, ni en Amérique du Sud…
The Sound of Silence
At this point, nothing and no one will silence me.
Citizenfour Part 2
Shades of grey, made in Germany – SAP and the NSA
SAP Confidential
Complicity in an affair this criminal is a crime in itself. Siding with those who are guilty is very dangerous; no matter how scary siding with the truth may seem.
The Timeline
17 years of SAP Saga.
Je sais bien, vous exercez dans une République Bananière…
Apotheker: Peace? No thanks.
Peace. Please.
No thanks.
Hasso Plattner | My Way
Hasso… You killed my mission to change the SAP world for the best. You even tried to kill me. The remaining option for me? Divide SAP’s value by 10. In progress.
Economic Crime behind SAP
Certains de nos dirigeants aient imaginé des concepts bien plus créatifs et bien moins risqués que le business de l’Armement pour le détournement de l’argent public…
Le procès sera public. La surprise sera grande.
Address & Phone
I want a public trial, buddy.
An Amicable Settlement
Homeless since May 2012
A la rencontre des… preuves.
SAP Board From Hell
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
I will.
To Stephen Harper
Organized stalking by SAP Canada is a crime.
“Who asked you to save HP? I want cash!”