I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

September 18, 2013

Epilogue, in English
Tomorrow is the final title of my literary adventure.

Opening Night

Opening Night

September 17, 2013

Time always tells the truth…

An Hour with Jacques Attali

An Hour with Jacques Attali

March 13, 2013

J’aurais adoré pouvoir compter sur vous pour lui montrer le droit chemin…
C’est cela l’amitié… Non ?



February 16, 2013

“Who asked you to save HP? I want cash!”



February 6, 2013

Pourquoi votre client s’adresse à vous seulement maintenant ? Parce qu’il a peur. Il a raison d’avoir peur. Ce qu’il a fait est extrêmement grave. Il le sait. Il sait aussi qu’il ne peut pas me contrôler. Il a raison, une fois de plus.



February 4, 2013

Ne me demandez pas d’accepter que Simonetta Sommaruga fasse de réfugiés syriens sa priorité et que la Suisse permette aux Français (et pas seulement) de piétiner les valeurs d’une nation, au point qu’elle laisse détruire ses propres citoyens et leurs enfants.

Le Temps

Le Temps

December 14, 2012

11 ans… Mes années Chanel.

11 Years and 6 Weeks

11 Years and 6 Weeks

December 3, 2012

Verena Bonzon – Chanel – le bureau de Gérard Wertheimer à Genève

SAP Criminal Minds

SAP Criminal Minds

August 10, 2012

Hasso, This is criminal. You know that as well as I do. Stop blaming… Leo Apotheker! He left in Spring 2010.



March 29, 2012

Today I will serve you a glass of whisky instead of a cup of coffee. I’d like to share a conversation with you.

From A Biography To An Essay

From A Biography To An Essay

February 19, 2012

Léo Apotheker | My Life
A biography is primarily based on fact, which leaves little room for interpretation.

The Contributors

The Contributors

February 18, 2012

I have met with… Leo Apotheker ’s fake friends, true enemies, pretty women… A couple of spies…

Fake Leo Apotheker

Fake Leo Apotheker

November 5, 2011

Fake Leo Apotheker…
Fake goals, fake friends, fake family, fake life…
Just about fake everything.
But true dreams. Dreams cannot be fake.

The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying

November 4, 2011

When I tell you that I don’t know, it means that I don’t know…

Just… Biographer

Just… Biographer

October 22, 2011

To all of those who doubt – thanks for stopping by, the door is right behind you.

HP Music & Lyrics from Vegas

HP Music & Lyrics from Vegas

June 8, 2011

I am pretty sure that even Freud himself would have trouble explaining that one. Not sure which of the two, Leo Apotheker or Hasso Plattner, should lie on the couch.

Cléa to Léo Apotheker

Cléa to Léo Apotheker

April 30, 2011

Your life will always be missing one thing. This void defines who you are in many ways.
Unfortunately, no amount of money will compensate for it.